Physical Therapy

Recover from past injuries, reduce chronic pain, and increase quality of life. Check out a list of services below.

Meet Our Therapists

At Emergence PT

We strive to help patients recover from past injuries, treat muscular pain & limited motion, and increase quality of life due to other health related conditions relating to movement. Whether you're an athlete recovering from a sports injury, an elderly individual seeking to regain mobility, a post-surgical patient on the road to recovery, someone living with chronic pain, or a pre- or post-natal woman prioritizing maternal wellness, we're here to support you every step of the way. Using our state-of-the-art facility, we’ll assist with the diagnosis, then put you on a rehabilitation plan designed to solve your dysfunction.

Sports Related Injuries

Mobility Issues

Post Surgical Recovery

Chronic Pain

Our Therapists

We have a team of highly trained and experienced therapists.


Rachel Roach

DPT, Phd, MsC

Sean Roach

Ready to get Started?

We'll help you identify your health goals and set a plan for reaching them.

Schedule An Appointment